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Secondary Glazing Help Centre

Here in our Ecoease Secondary Glazing Help Centre you will find lots of useful advice. We cover how easy it is to measure your windows for our secondary glazing systems. You will also find clear fitting instructions that show how easy Ecoease is to install. There are detailed assembly instructions if you are going to make up the panels yourself either with our unique edging or with tapes.

In addition we have technical information about Ecoease. This includes information on PET, our glazing material of choice, and why we use it. For more detailed information on PET go to our factsheet for the full technical handbook. 

There are also factsheets about the benefits of our secondary glazing. You can read about thermal insulation and how to warm up your rooms by reducing heat loss through your windows. Our acoustic insulation sheet will break down how sounds work and how to reduce outside noise penetration.  You will also find information on reducing condensation in the home. Correctly installed Ecoease Secondary glazing can get rid of this altogether.

We also have our handy FAQs page with lots of answers to your frequently asked questions. Please click on the icons below to read more.

At Ecoease we are always happy to help! Please feel free to contact us about measuring, fitting, pricing, or with any other questions you might have.


Technical information

Find out more about the technical aspects of  Ecoease secondary glazing.

Measuring Advice

How to easily measure your windows for Ecoease secondary glazing panels.

Fitting Advice

Installation tips on Ecoease secondary glazing panels, including Measure to Fit and DIY systems


Our most popular queries, answered already!


Find out more about Ecoease glazing, including the acoustic and thermal properties.

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